Sunday, September 20, 2009


Previously I have described how to make Spaetzle, the egg noodles of various shapes that are typical for the german south, specifically Schwaben. But, once you got these beautiful noodles, what to do with them?
Traditionally they are a side dish to a sunday potroast with a nice dark gravy, or some other piece of meat with sauce - or you use them for Kaesespaetzle.

Here is how to do that:
you start with the simple stuff: grate some cheese. I typically use gouda, but this time I used a mix of emmental and gouda, to mix it up and give it a little more of an edge.

Chop up a big onion, or a couple of small ones, and brown them lightly in a pan, stirring a lot, making sure they get golden and soft, not crispy. When they are happy, set them aside.

Next, prepare Spaetzle: eggs, flour, salt, a little water (check back on my previous post for the details), scrape them off a board into boiling water, and set aside for what you got in store for them.

Set the oven to 400 deg F.
Find a big baking pan. Put a layer of spaetzle in to the pan, then a layer of onions, then cheese, then again spaetzle, onion and finally cheese again.
Let it bake for about 20 minutes (til the cheese is browned on top, don't take it out as early as I did here.. but we were hungry..), get the salad to go with it ready and enjoy traditional Kaesespaetzle!
My friend Dennis took this beautiful photo of the last one I made - next time I'll make it we'll see whether we get a shot of a cross-section.. :)

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