Friday, December 5, 2008

Heat it up!

It's frickin' cold. It really is. I've been freezing on my way home, and now, two hours and two bowls of hot spicy thai-style chicken coconut broccoli soup laterI finally feel that my bodytemperature has somewhat recovered.
To get it back up to normal & cozy, I do what is a custom thing to do among freezing people in Germany.. I drink a Grog.
Originally, it may have been hot tea with a splash of rum, possibly after 18th-century British admiral Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog for the grogram fabric cloak he wore (although wiki gives various possible backgrounds), who made his sailors drink rum with water, sugar and lime to help against scurvy.
But the following recipe, the best I know, gives you the spirit of what it is about - a warm, and warming, drink at a cold winter night:

Rum muss.
Zucker kann.
Wasser braucht nicht.

Rum a must. Sugar optional. Water not needed.

If this recipe is too light for you, here is another one from one of my favorite writers that is more "spirited":

Kurt Tucholsky:
"Aus meinem Privatkochbuch: Man nehme guten alten Whiskey, fülle ihn in eine nicht zu kleine Suppenterrine, rühre gut um, und geniesse das Getränk - soweit angängig - nüchtern. Anmerkung: Der Whiskey muss von Zeit zu Zeit erneuert werden."

From my private cookbook: take good old whiskey, fill it into a soup bowl, stir well, and enjoy the beverage - as far as agreeable - without food. Note: the whiskey has to be renewed from time to time.
Note from me: there is no harm in using Rum instead of Whiskey.

Now I feel warmer.. :)

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